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Enzyme additive for Atami ATAZYME cultivation, an optimal source of natural enzymes. It greatly stimulates soil life, thus positively influencing the development of the root system, growth and flowering of the plant.

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ATA Zyme by Atami

Plant lovers, gather 'round! We're talking about ATA Zyme, the enzyme-packed game-changer from the eco-warriors at Atami. This ain't your everyday plant supplement. It's a nutrient recycling powerhouse, designed to transform dead roots and plant residues into valuable nutrients.

But ATA Zyme doesn't stop at recycling nutrients. It also boosts the root system of your plants and rejuvenates the substrate. This makes it a hit with growers of all stripes. And don't worry, it's equally effective for all types of plants.

How to Use ATA Zyme

Using ATA Zyme is as easy as pie. It's good to go for both hydroponic and soil-based cultivation and plays nice with any irrigation system. To get the best results, you'll want to use it throughout the entire cultivation period.

Just dissolve 2 ml per liter of water and apply it once a week during the entire cultivation period. But remember, more ain't always better. Overdoing it with the fertilizer can do more harm than good, so stick to the recommended dosage.

If you're growing cannabis, start using ATA Zyme from the get-go. This is when your plants are ready to start developing their root system, and ATA Zyme can help them reach their full potential.

Why Choose ATA Zyme?

So, why should you choose ATA Zyme over other plant supplements? Well, for starters, it's packed with natural enzymes. These enzymes help break down old or dead roots and other plant residues, turning them into nutrients. This means your plants get more nutrients, leading to healthier, stronger growth.

But ATA Zyme doesn't stop at enzymes. It also boosts the root system of your plants and rejuvenates the substrate. This means your plants will have a healthier environment to grow in, leading to better overall growth and development.

Plus, ATA Zyme is a breeze to use. Just dissolve it in water and apply it once a week during the entire cultivation period. Whether you're a first-time grower or a seasoned pro, you'll find ATA Zyme easy to work with. And with the quality and effectiveness that Atami is known for, you can be sure you're getting a top-notch product.

Get ATA Zyme Today!

Ready to give your plants a nutrient boost? Then it's time to get ATA Zyme. With its natural enzymes, root-boosting power, and easy-to-use formula, it's the perfect addition to any gardener's toolkit.

Growing tip: Atazyme is also very effective in the (partly) reuse of the substrate.

Applications: Suitable as an additive to the regular diet for growing on soil, hydro and coconut. Can best be used once a week throughout the total growth and flowering time.

Dosage (1:1000): 2ml per litre of water.

Quality guaranteed: All Atami stimulants and liquid nutrients are sealed and protected from light through an opaque container to guarantee the best quality.


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