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Root Stimulator is the Atami's B'cuzz root enhancer. It helps roots to grow impressively, while providing a protection layer against diseases.

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Atami B'cuzz Root Stimulator

Root Stimulator is the Atami B'cuzz root enhancer for marijuana, known worldwide for its excellent quality and price.

This Atami product offers a boost that will make your plants roots grow in a branched, healthy and strong way. One of the advantages of this product is that it acts very fast. Therefore, it will increase the volume of the root system of your Cannabis plant in a very short time.

The roots are 50% of every plant, it is unlikely to get a great outcome without a big and healthy root system. A healthy Cannabis plant with huge bud production needs a strong roots network that can provide the everything that plants need to generate their fruits, which are nothing less than water, nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, sugars ... All the elements that will make your buds make a difference come from the roots to other parts of the plants.

Using the Atami B'cuzz Root Stimulator the roots will form a very branched structure that will be able to support stronger and bigger outcomes. This product is equally suitable for newly transplanted seedlings. In this way, we can avoid the plant from suffer some stress at that moment.

This versatile Root Stimulator will also protect the plant's roots from unwanted visits. In this way, with the use of this product we will not have to worry so much about possible problems that can affect the root system.

In short, Root Stimulator is a versatile product that will help to considerably improve the plants' root system, while serving as a protective layer against pests and fungi. It is also a great product for relieving the stress of newly transplanted seedlings. Finally, it can also be used at the beginning of flowering to help the plant start this stage with more strenght.

Using Root Stimulator

To use Root Stimulator you need to dilute 0.5 to 0.1 ml of the product for every litre of irrigation water. The best time to apply this product is during the first weeks of vegetative growth.

It is also advisable to use it during the first week of the flowering phase with the same measures, as it will help the plant to start this moment with more energy.


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