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Flawless Finish is the solution by Advanced Nutrients to remove chemical wastings that accumulates in the flowers and leaves thus improving the taste. This role is particularly important for certain Marijuana crops where the flavour and texture matters.

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Flawless Finish for Growing indoor and outdoor

Flawless Finish by Advanced Nutrients clean the plants and improving the taste and giving the plant a perfect final phase.

The role of Flawless Finish is particularly important for certain indoor and outdoor crops where the flavour and texture matters. Besides that, Flawless Finish can also increase the security of the plant. With this cleaner you can prevent the crops of having abnormal smells or buds that cast black ashes thatwill cause some cough attacks.

Flawless Finish can be used between 7-10 days before the harvest time mixing it only with water and never with a nutrient solution or with other additives. Its action lasts for 6 hours and is able to eliminate up to 85% of undesirable chemical residues. Moreover and if you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, Flawless Finish will allow you to control the final appearance of the flowers and leaves.

Flawless Finish can also be used to clean the roots after adjusting the pH but only in extreme cases of over-fertilization and just for 1 hour.

At the end of the flowering period, empty the tank and rinse any remaining nutrient. After that, filled it with clean water mixed with Flawless Finish. The pH should be between 5.5 and 5.8 for hydroponic systems and between 6.2 and 6.5 crops with soil mixtures or sphagnum peat. Continue doing that until the last 7-10 days of flowering.

Keep it in a cool, dark place. Do not freeze down.

From Advanced Nutrients.


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