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The feminized marijuana seeds Sweet Valley Kush come directly from Green House Seeds Bank to Experiencia Natural. With a markedly Kush flavor, Sweet Valley Kush is a compact and productive plant, ideal for achieving good results in a short space.


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Sweet Valley Kush Marijuana Seeds Feminised

The feminized Sweet Valley Kush marijuana seeds come directly from the Green House Seeds bank to deliver excellent results in a small space. A crossing of genetic lines markedly Kush, this strain has a recognised genetic line, which includes the Afghan Kush and the Hindu Kush.

A powerful, compact and very tasty Indica that allows to obtain excellent results with a very reasonable price.

What is the structure of Sweet Valley Kush?

Sweet Valley Kush is a strain with a character and structure markedly Indica, offering plants of very compact size that normally do not exceed 2 meters outdoors. Ideal for guerrilla crops, it is a plant that can be easily hidden in the middle of other larger specimens.

In interior it is a strain that, due to its very compact size, works very well in SoG crops. At the end of its flowering may present very dark colored leaves and a large amount of resin.

How much does Sweet Valley Kush produce?

This strain offers a high production, even more if we take into account its small size. In the interior it allows to obtain yields that reach 750 grams per square meter and in the outside, with the help of the light of the sun, it is a strain that reaches 1000 grams per plant. In other words, amazing productions for such a compact plant!

It is also worth mentioning the high resin production it offers, making it an ideal plant for extractions.

What is the effect of Sweet Valley Kush?

Sweet Valley Kush is a plant with a powerful and highly narcotic effect. With a THC level that can surpass 22% and a medium CBD level, the balance of these cannabinoids make it a relaxing and pleasant strain, ideal to use at night and lay on the sofa.

What does Sweet Valley Kush taste like?

The genetic inheritance of Sweet Valley Kush offers a markedly Kush flavor, in which the earthy flavour stand out above all. In the aroma, in addition to the Kush notes, it is possible to find a floral and sweet aroma combined with the earthy background.

How is Sweet Valley Kush grown?

Sweet Valley Kush is a simple strain to grow and control. Its compact size makes it ideal for growing in any available space or for growers with space problems. It adapts very well to guerrilla crops and, indoors, in crops with the SoG technique.

The flowering of this strain is fast and will be ready for harvest in about 8 or 9 weeks indoors. Outdoors is a plant that can be harvested about a week after the end of summer.

Sweet Valley Kush Marijuana Features

  • Feminized
  • Indoor/Outdoor
  • Genotype: 80% Indica Hybrid
  • Genetics: Afghan Kush x Hindu Kush
  • Cannabinoids: 22% THC; CBD 0.5%.
  • Height: Outdoors up to 2.5 meters.
  • Flowering: 8-9 weeks (indoors) or one week after the end of summer.
  • Yield: Up to 750 g/m2; outdoors up to 1000 grams per plant.
  • Seedling: Spring or all year round with artificial light.

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