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Humic from Terra Aquatica is the best humic acids concentrate, it is made from Ligno-humates, whose those are beneficial as a marijuana nutritional supplement and as a microlife enhancer into the soil.

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Humic Humic Acid Concentrate

Humic is the new product of Terra Aquatica made with the best quality ultrapure humates and elaborated through a 100% natural source, recycled wood.

It is a broad spectrum product that will provide all the beneficial fumes from sawdust to enhance Cannabis growing. Along with other Terra Aquatica's product range, Humic is a toxin free, a clean product from a completely sustainable source.

With a small dose of Humic we will be providing our plants with the best humic acids needed for an extensive outcome. Using the fertilizer Humic will result in better nutrient absorption and increased beneficial microbacterial activity.

It is also the ideal compound to correct soil's structure or as a natural additive to our home compost.

Humic Dosage

Using Humic is very simple, simply dilute the product in water at a ratio of 4 ml/L.

Humic can be used on all types of substrates, together with other nutrients from Terra Aquatica or other brands.


It's usually purchased with

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