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Hesi Hydro Growth Complex is a rich compost of the highest quality, specially developed for the vegetative growth period of plants that are grown in hydroponic systems.

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Hesi Hydro Growth: Premium Nutrient for Hydroponic Plant Growth

The Hesi Hydro Growth Complex is a superior quality nutrient mix specifically designed for the vegetative growth stage of plants in hydroponic systems. It provides an optimal blend of essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and important microelements such as iron, zinc, copper, alongside plant sugars, B-vitamins (B1, B2, B3), and amino acids.

This carefully balanced formula delivers crucial energy to plants, ensuring rapid and healthy growth. It also supports soil flora health, fostering beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that enhance nutrient absorption. Hesi Hydro Growth ensures the purity of its ingredients, offering a residue-free nutrient solution.

During the vegetative growth phase, administer Hesi Hydro Growth at a dosage of 50ml per 10 liters of water. For best results, complement it with Hesi Super Vit throughout the plant's lifecycle.

Available in 1L, 5L, 10L, and 20L quantities.

  • Comprehensive Nutrition: Rich in NPK, secondary nutrients, and chelated trace elements, plus vitamins and amino acids.
  • Easy Application: Simple to use with clear dosing instructions; suitable for re-circulating or passive hydroponic systems.
  • Versatile Packaging: Available in various sizes to suit different cultivation scales.
  • Optimal Growth Support: Designed to stabilize trace elements and vital essentials for optimum plant growth.

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