Humboldt Seeds

The Humboldt Seed bank comes from California in the 1960s, right in the county that names this Cannabis breeders group. Find all Humboldt strains here for sale.

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Humboldt Seeds

The Humboldt Seeds bank is eager to export values typical of the community of their region, such as companionship, respect for nature and human beings, which is why Humboldt Seeds' crops are 100% organic. In fact, this Northern California organic farmland is a living part of Cannabis history, forming one of the oldest known communities of marijuana lovers.

Humboldt Seeds seedbank history

Traditionally, Humboldt County is one of the Cannabis Seed Meccas. Here legal Cannabis is produced much ore than in other areas on the planet, thanks to a local culture that has been linked to cultivation for over 60 years. The creation of Humboldt Seeds dates back to the 1960s, when the first Cannabis crops were planted in this Californian area, and have continued steadily to this day, thanks to the ideal growing conditions in the county.

During this same decade, repression against the cultivation, consumption and sale of Cannabis hardened in the United States, and consequently also affected growers of the time, who were forced to leave densely populated urban areas, as they would have a greater chance of being discovered. It was then that the county of Humboldt began to receive groups of hippies and growers who were fleeing the big city in search of a safer, rural environment in which they would not be so much of a nuisance. This movement became known as Back to the land, and its aim was to live a simpler life in nature.

Humboldt Seeds grew out of these early collectives returning to California's countryside. The environment helped to develop a very large seed tradition and the interactions between the people who formed this primitive group of growers helped to develop cultivation and seed breeding techniques adapted to the Californian climate. In short, during these more than 60 years of history, Humboldt County laid the foundations for the self-cultivation of top-quality cannabis in harmony with the environment.

In fact, one of the characteristics that best define the work of Humboldt Seeds is the fact that they apply cultivation techniques from organic farming. The way in which seeds are obtained today has been renewed with the latest techniques, but respecting the ecological essence that define the spirit and philosophy of Humboldt Seeds. The seeds of this bank are, therefore, one of the best options for the collector of natural and organic seeds.

But... How do they achieve this? In order to offer the user the best possible Cannabis seeds, this institution uses totally stable feminisation techniques, resulting in seeds with a 99% probability of being female. Their genetic selection process is done naturally, discarding the seeds with the worst characteristics and selecting those winning specimens. In addition, at Humboldt Seeds they are experts in packaging and manufacturing, so their seeds are packaged with the best possible quality standards so that collectors receive them with all their properties.

Today, the legal landscape for Cannabis in California is excellent, with recreational and medicinal Cannabis available for purchase at licensed locations. This has led to an impressive expansion of cultivation in the Humboldt area and the county is now one of the undisputed meccas for Cannabis cultivation. People from all over the world travel to Humboldt in late summer to help harvest, manicure and dry the marijuana that is legally grown in the area.

Nowadays, around 5,000 growers come to work in Humboldt County annually, maintaining one of the most important legacies in the cannabis world. Thus, in Humboldt Seeds you will find the best autoflowering and feminised seeds that are one of the best exponents of Californian marijuana.

Buy Humboldt Seeds

At Experiencia Natural, we pride ourselves on being an authorised distributor of authentic Humboldt seeds. Our online shop offers a wide range of premium quality cannabis seeds to suit all tastes and preferences. Whether you're an experienced grower or just starting out, our carefully selected collection ensures you'll find the perfect strain to add for your garden.

Why buy from Experiencia Natural?

Experiencia Natural is not just a seed bank; it is a gateway to a world of exceptional cannabis genetics. We are committed to offering our customers an unrivalled shopping experience and only the highest quality products. When you buy Humboldt Seeds from us, you can expect:

When you buy Humboldt Seeds from us, you can expect:

  • Authenticity: Our seeds come directly from the official Humboldt Seeds Organisation, which guarantees that you receive genuine, unaltered genetics.
  • Discreet packaging: We understand the importance of privacy. That's why all our shipments are discreetly packaged, protecting your purchase from prying eyes.
  • Fast and secure shipping: Our efficient shipping process ensures that your order arrives to you quickly and securely.
  • Customer service: Our team of experts are on hand to help you through the entire process, from choosing the right strain to advice on cultivation.

How to buy Humboldt seeds?

Buying Humboldt seeds from Experiencia Natural is a simple and straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Explore our Selection: Explore our extensive collection of Humboldt Seeds and discover the varieties that pique your interest.
  2. Add to Basket: Select the quantity of seeds you want and add them to your shopping cart.
  3. Payment: Complete your purchase using our secure payment gateway.
  4. Confirmation: Once your order is confirmed, we will process it quickly and prepare it for shipment.

How Humboldt seeds are created?

The creation of Humboldt Seeds begins with an unwavering commitment to excellence. The expert breeders at Humboldt Seeds Organization carefully select parent plants based on their unique qualities and desirable traits. Through meticulous crossing and selection, they aim to enhance the desired traits, resulting in stable and consistent genetics.

Humboldt Seeds breeding projects focus on preserving the authentic flavours, potent effects and impressive resilience of their strains. This dedication to maintaining the essence of the region's cannabis heritage is what distinguishes Humboldt Seeds.

Advantages of Humboldt Seeds outdoor strains

The idyllic climate and natural environment of Humboldt County provide ideal conditions for outdoor cannabis cultivation. The Humboldt Seeds strains are perfectly suited for outdoor growers thanks to the following advantages:

  • Climate adaptability: Humboldt Seeds genetics thrive in a variety of climates, ensuring satisfactory harvests in different regions.
  • Outdoor cultivation:
  • Resilience: These strains are known for their hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases, making them low maintenance options.
  • Humboldt Seeds seeds are highly resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Impressive yields: Outdoor growers can enjoy bumper harvests of top quality buds with Humboldt Seeds strains.

Advantages of Humboldt Seeds indoor strains

For indoor growers, Humboldt Seeds strains offer numerous advantages that contribute to a rewarding cultivation experience:

  • Compact size: Many strains have a manageable height, making them suitable for indoor spaces with little vertical space.
  • Many strains have a manageable height, making them suitable for indoor spaces with little vertical space.
  • Quality genetics: Humboldt Seeds strains produce top quality buds indoors, rich in flavours, aromas and cannabinoid profiles.

Best strains of Humboldt Seeds


Within the catalogue of the Humboldt Seeds seedbank you can find some of the best quality strains of recent times, highlighting varieties with very high THC levels, as well as high yielding strains. Highlighting the following varieties. Below, you will be able to read the most relevant characteristics of 3 of the most outstanding seed strains in the Humboldt Seeds catalogue.

First of all, it is worth highlighting the mythical Blue Dream feminised seed strain, one of the best known strains of this bank and an excellent representative of the Blue family. It is a mainly Sativa strain, but compact and fast, with very important organoleptic and medicinal properties. In addition, as its name suggests, it offers some showy colours during the flowering period, which will be even more bluish in cold climates.

The Lemonkush Headband strain is one of the strongest and most productive strains ever created, its fame is already known and recognised all over the world. This, coupled with its blend of citrus and earthy aromas, makes it one of the jewels that every connoisseur likes to own.

Although Amherst Sour Diesel takes the cake when it comes to raw potency, this strain from the Humboldt seedbank blows everyone away, up to 27% THC. As if that wasn't enough, it is one of the most productive strains of this seedbank.

For all these reasons, the Humboldt Seeds seed bank is one of those that best testify to the American cannabis tradition and is one of the best international seed banks. They respect the traditional working methods and have one of the highest quality standards in the industry. In addition to the strains just presented, there are many other jewels in this bank Humboldt Seeds, you can discover them by entering each of the detailed tabs and remember that we have free shipping and seed gift for every 30€ for your purchases.

How to store Humboldt Seeds?

Proper seed storage is crucial to maintaining the viability and quality of Humboldt Seeds for future crops. Follow these steps to conserve your seeds effectively:

  • Keep them fresh: Store seeds in a cool, dark place, away from direct light and temperature fluctuations.
  • Use airtight containers: Place the seeds in airtight containers, such as glass jars or zip-lock bags, to protect them from moisture.
  • Label and date: Label each container with the name of the strain and the date of purchase to keep track of their age.

How long do Humboldt seeds last?

If stored correctly, Humboldt Seeds can be viable for several years. However, it is essential to keep in mind that the viability of the seeds may decrease over time.