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Calcium deficiency in Cannabis

Calcium deficiency is one of the possible problems that marijuana plants often face, and it can affect all types of crops and, above all, plants grown in hydroponic systems. In today’s content, we show you how to recognise and fix a calcium deficiency in marijuana.

Calcium is not one of the basic elements of cannabis nutrition, however, it is still very important in cannabis nutrition. Although the fundamental elements are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, known collectively as NPK, there is another series of nutrients that also define plant growth, health and productivity. Among these elements, along with iron, manganese and zinc, among others, is the one we will discuss in this article, calcium.

Deficiencia de calcio

What is calcium in the crop?

Calcium is a nutrient element for plants, which is quite easily found in different substrates, although normally not in sufficient quantity for the best possible development. It is not easily found in pine forests.

Calcium has a number of essential functions, as it is responsible for keeping cell walls, stems and branches strong. Below ground, it is also a great help in making the roots resistant. And finally, calcium is necessary for the plant to properly absorb potassium and helps regulate pH.

What does calcium deficiency in marijuana mean?

Calcium deficiency in the crop is when the plant does not have enough of this element available, or when there are circumstances that prevent its correct absorption by the plant. Calcium deficiency can cause damage to all parts of the plant that are normally affected by calcium deficiency.

Causes of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency in the crop can be caused by several factors that limit its uptake by plants. One of the main causes is an inadequate soil pH, as too low a pH can block calcium uptake. In addition, the use of soft water or water with low mineral content can also contribute to calcium deficiency. Excess nutrients, especially potassium or magnesium, can inhibit its absorption, aggravating the deficiency.

Calcium deficiency problems

Cell walls are one of the most important parts of plant growth and defence, a calcium deficiency leads to weaker plants, which can be easier prey for viruses, bacteria, insects and fungi.

Stems and branches also depend on a good amount of calcium to be able to generate and grow to their full potential. Lack of calcium leads to weaker plants and reduced development.

A lack of calcium can also lead to other important elements, such as potassium, not being absorbed correctly, leading to even more serious nutritional disorders. A good amount of calcium also ensures that the hydrogen potential is more stable and correct.

How to recognise calcium deficiency in marijuana

Detecting calcium deficiency in Cannabis requires accurate observation, as the signs can be confused with other deficiencies, which may have similar symptoms.

deficiencia de calcio marihuana

The clearest signs of this deficiency can be seen in different parts of the plant. Like most nutrient deficiencies, it first becomes noticeable on the oldest leaves, which are the lowest and largest, but if not remedied in time, the deficiency will gradually start to affect the youngest leaves.

In the initial phase, the lower leaves curve a little, but do not yet show any strange colouring. This would be the ideal time to try applying calcium and see if this corrects itself.

In the second phase, the calcium deficiency results in a very dark green colour of the leaves, which gradually gives way to the appearance of extensive rust-coloured spots. New shoots also show this problem, as they appear wrinkled and with spots, which may be yellowish or purple. It differs from other deficiencies because the spots do not have a pattern, on the contrary, they appear without order on any part of the leaves.

Also the state of health of the plant reflects the possible calcium deficiency when the stems and branches weaken and break easily. Roots also do not develop well under these circumstances and become susceptible to bacteria and other diseases.

Difference between Calcium Deficiency and Other Problems

Calcium deficiency can be confused with other nutrient deficiencies such as magnesium or potassium. However, one way to distinguish it is to look at the specific symptoms, such as yellowing of young leaves and the appearance of brown spots on the tips. Unlike magnesium deficiency, which affects older leaves first, calcium tends to show its initial effects on new growth and roots.

  • Location of symptoms: Calcium mainly affects new growth and roots. If young leaves show damage, it is likely to be a calcium deficiency.
  • Leaf spotting: Calcium deficiency usually manifests itself as brown spots or burnt tips on younger leaves.
  • Stunted growth: If plants show slow or stunted growth, it is an indication of a deficiency of calcium, which is essential for cell development.
  • Compare with magnesium: If yellowing appears first on older leaves, it is more likely to be a magnesium deficiency and not a calcium deficiency.
  • Check soil pH: Too low a pH (acidic) can prevent calcium uptake, even if calcium is present in the soil.

How to solve a calcium deficiency?

First of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the type of irrigation water used in the crop. Generally, the water used in cannabis crops comes from the tap or from reverse osmosis, or it is often distilled water, but none of these have significant amounts of dissolved calcium, which is why it is a common deficiency.

The safest thing to do is to keep a fertiliser schedule where you can keep track and make sure your plants are getting all the food they need, and there are a number of fertilisers that come ready-made for hydroponics that incorporate calcium in the proportions needed for hydroponics.

You know, if you want to get a good harvest, you need to make sure your plants are healthy, and that means not only giving them the hours of light and temperature they need, but also keeping an eye on their fertiliser and making sure they don’t suffer from excesses or deficiencies in their diet.

To correct a calcium deficiency it is vital to apply a specific calcium fertiliser, such as Canna Calcium. As always, it should be used according to the manufacturer’s label.

Carencia de calcio

Buy Calcium

To make up for this deficiency, in hydroponic crops it is advisable to use specific fertilisers for this growing medium, such as Hesi Hydro Growth and all the other fertilisers in this range.

Hesi Hidro

Buy Hesi Hidro

Lime, which is a source of calcium, can also be used for this type of crop, although this solution is only recommended for those who are experts in the handling of this product.

A calcium deficiency is often accompanied by a magnesium deficiency, which is why many fertiliser manufacturers offer CalMag type products, which provide quantities of both elements in the same package. Here is an example of this type of product and scroll down to access the links to access the monograph we have on Magnesium (Mg) deficiency.


Buy CalMag

It may be that calcium deficiency is not related to a lack of calcium in plant nutrition. In this case, it is most likely a problem related to water quality or a Ph or EC issue. See the following articles for more information on these issues:

Tabla nutrientes agua en la marihuana

Ph and Ec in marijuana

El agua es vital para la marihuana

Water for Marijuana

Other cannabis deficiencies

In this cannabis blog we have other monographs on other common cannabis deficiencies, which we recommend you to visit from the links below:

carencia nitrogeno

Deficiencia de Nitrógeno

deficiencia de potasio

Deficiencia de Potasio

deficiencia de Fósforo

Deficiencia de Fósforo

cannabis con carencia de hierro

Deficiencia de Hierro

Deficiencia de magnesio en lam arihuana

Deficiencia de Magnesio

Azufre en la marihuana

Sulphur deficiency

Se puede luchar contra una deficiencia de boro en la marihuana.

Boron deficiency

We hope you liked this content about potassium deficiency in marijuana. Subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on social media to receive our updates and continue reading with 20 tricks to solve deficiencies at home.

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