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Cannabis Sativa, what it is and its Features

The term Cannabis Sativa was introduced in 1753 to describe a particular species of Cannabis. Carl Linneaus named the Sativa marijuana in his publication “Species Plantarum”. He was a Swedish natural scientist considered the creator of the living beings’ taxonomy system. The name Sativa refers to the Cannabis varieties found in the tropical area of the planet and territories ranging from Africa, Central America, South America, and parts of Asia.

cannabis sativa

What is Cannabis Sativa?

According to the description from Wikipedia, Sativa marijuana is an herbaceous species of the Cannabaceae family, annual, dioecious, and native to the Himalayan mountain ranges, Asia. Sativa marijuana is related to a specific morphology and effects.

Currently, the boundary between Cannabis Sativa and Indica is not so well defined, as what most abounds in marijuana seed catalogs are hybrid species. Therefore, there are very few pure Sativa varieties. However, this classification is very useful to distinguish groups within the cannabis family based on morphological and psychoactive traits.

New studies are revealing the likelihood that the Indica and Sativa division is somewhat imprecise, it does not fit how the plant itself is and probably in the future we will use other terms more adjusted to reality. But that is another story, which we will deal with when there is more information on the subject.

Origin of Cannabis Sativa

It is believed that the origin of Sativa marijuana corresponds to a common ancestor with Indica, native to Southeast Asia. The tropical climate recorded in this area of the planet is evident in the morphology of the Sativas. Thus, the plants of this variety had to adapt to the climatic peculiarities of this part of the planet. Frequent rains and very high humidity make the soil PH very acidic (between 5.5 and 6.0).

The photoperiod with which Cannabis Sativa develops in its natural context, which tends to be 12/12, is also very decisive. This means that half the day is exposed to light and the other half is not. This explains why these are plants that take longer to grow than Cannabis Indica.

Morphology of Sativa marijuana

Unlike Indica marijuana, Cannabis Sativa has a tall stature and a long stem. This feature is designed to compete with the abundant vegetation in the tropics for sunlight. They are plants with nodes very separate from each other, which favors their height.

The leaves are thin and very large with long leaflets, a feature that has to do with the high incidence of sun in the tropical zones. They tend to have a slow flowering, as we mentioned earlier, so they usually have longer flowering periods than the Indicas.

The color, in general, is lighter than that of Cannabis Indica. The reason is that areas with abundant rain tend to have soils washed out by the action of water. This means that there are not too many nutrients for the plants in the ground. Especially nitrates, causing the dark green color in the Indicas.

Cultivation of Cannabis Sativa

Sativa marijuana can be grown in both indoor and outdoor plantations. However, due to its height, the varieties that are marketed for indoors are usually combined with Indicas to reduce their height and flowering time. Therefore, since its height easily ascends to 4 meters, the cultivation of pure Cannabis Sativa is recommended only in outdoor environments.

The aspect of cultivating Sativa strains that is most concerning is the time it takes to complete its maturation. Unlike Indica varieties, Sativa needs much longer periods to finish its flowering. There are Sativa strains that require 12, 14, 16, and even 18 weeks, just to finish their flowering period. To this must be added those needed to complete the initial phase of vegetative growth.

Since this plant was extracted from tropical areas, it is better prepared for areas with a climate with long summers and photoperiods of time with 50% light and 50% shade. Unlike Cannabis Indica, which is optimal for areas with short summers and harsher winters.

Effects of Sativa marijuana

The effects of Indica and Sativa varieties can vary significantly. Sativa varieties usually provide a more cerebral and stimulating high, which makes them suitable for social and creative activities. On the other hand, Indica strains offer a relaxing and soothing effect, which often leads to a “body stone” that promotes tranquility and deep relaxation. It is crucial to understand the effects of each variety to make an informed decision based on individual preferences.

The main feature of Cannabis Sativa is the high concentration of THC, in contrast to the low amount of CBD it contains. Consumers choose this variety of Cannabis for its energetic effects. Thus, it is a marijuana that is widely used in recreational and social settings. Unlike Indicas, which have more introverted and narcotic effects. Sativas usually offer a “high” with high doses of psychedelia. If Indicas focus on physical effects, the “high” of Cannabis Sativa offers a long and powerful mental experience.

Benefits of Sativas

Sativa varieties offer several advantages that attract cannabis enthusiasts. Their invigorating and uplifting effects make them suitable for daytime consumption, promoting creativity and productivity. Moreover, Sativas are known for their unique and attractive aromas, which vary from strain to strain.

  1. Invigorating and stimulating effects: Sativa varieties are known for their invigorating and stimulating effects. They provide a cerebral high that increases energy, creativity, and concentration, making them ideal for daytime consumption and social activities.
  2. Creative Stimulation: Sativas are famous for enhancing creativity and imagination. Many artists, musicians, and people seeking inspiration often turn to Sativa varieties to tap into their creative potential.
  3. Reduced Sedation: Unlike Indica strains, known for their sedative properties, Sativas usually have lower levels of sedative compounds. This makes them the preferred choice of users who want to avoid feeling overly relaxed or sleepy.
  4. Therapeutic Benefits: Sativa can offer therapeutic benefits such as elevating mood, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting a sense of well-being. Some medical cannabis consumers find relief from certain symptoms by consuming Sativas.
  5. Distinctive Flavors and Aromas: Sativa strains often present unique and attractive flavors and aromas. The terpene profiles of Sativas contribute to a diverse range of flavors and aromas, adding to the overall sensory experience of cannabis enthusiasts.

Drawbacks of Sativas

Despite their many advantages, Sativa varieties also have certain drawbacks. A major concern is the longer flowering time compared to Indica varieties. Sativa plants can take several weeks longer to reach full maturity, which may require more patience from growers. In addition, the tall stature of Sativa plants can pose problems in indoor growing spaces with limited vertical height.

  1. Longer flowering time: Sativa varieties usually have a longer flowering period than Indicas. This means that growers may have to wait longer before harvesting their cannabis plants, resulting in a longer growing process.
  2. Height and Space: Sativas tend to grow tall and lanky, often reaching considerable heights. This can pose a challenge for indoor growers with limited vertical space. Additionally, outdoor growers may have to consider the plant’s height and potential visibility when choosing a growing location.
  3. Higher THC content: Sativa varieties usually have higher levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound in cannabis. While this can be desirable for some consumers seeking intense effects, it can be overwhelming for those with low tolerance or sensitivity to THC.
  4. Increase in Anxiety and Paranoia: Some individuals may experience higher levels of anxiety or paranoia when consuming Sativa strains, especially those with a high THC content. This adverse reaction can be more pronounced in users prone to anxiety or with sensitivity to THC.
  5. Daytime Use Only: Due to their energizing effects, Sativa strains are more suitable for daytime use. However, for users looking to relax or fall asleep, Indica strains are usually preferred for their calming and sedative properties.

Most Popular and Potent Sativa Varieties

The world of Sativa varieties offers a wide range of options, each with its own potency and appeal. Among the most sought-after Sativa varieties are those with high levels of THC, which provide a powerful and energizing experience. These strains have won the favor of cannabis connoisseurs who appreciate the stimulating effects and flavors they offer.

To conclude this article, we give you a link to our ranking of the best Sativa marijuana in the world, where you can see which have been the most successful strains, both classics, novelties and those with good value for money, and their main characteristics.

Best Sativa Marijuana
The Best Sativa Strains

Cannabis Sativa continues to captivate and intrigue enthusiasts around the world. With its rich history, diverse effects, and countless varieties to explore, Sativa remains an enchanting herb that inspires creativity, relaxation, and enjoyment. Whether experienced for its medical benefits or for recreational pleasure, Sativa has secured its place as a cherished and valuable plant in the realm of cannabis culture.

We hope that this content about Sativa marijuana has been enjoyable and educational. If so, please follow us on social media and join our mailing list, links below. Now, continue reading with everything about the other face of marijuana, the Indica cannabis.

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